Rümeysa E. Hacı Mehmet Özdemir Middle School Şişli/İSTANBUL (Sevda Demirel )
It is the multicellular realm that generally adapts to their environment and feeds on other living things. Their bodies develop as the embryo undergoes some metamorphosis. Eukaryotic are multicellular organisms. They generally get their nutrients by digesting.
Many animals are mobile, and the thick cell walls typical of plants are often absent. Cellular migration and tissue organizations are seen in large scale during embryonic development. Their reproduction is primarily sexual; Females and males carrying diploid chromosomes with meiosis and gametes with haploid chromosomes combine to form a diploid zygote.
More than 1.5 million animal species have been identified, including about 1 million insects, but it is estimated that there are more than million animal species, including those that have not been identified.
I hope you like it, good Ramadan
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